Intellectual Property Consultants in Pakistan

Operational since the year 2017, Axis IP is a renowned intellectual property firm in Pakistan. Our services comprise protecting all sorts of intellectual properties, whether it is your company, trademark, or copyright. With a team of experienced and professional intellectual property consultants, we at Axis IP can also handle matters related to infringements, enforcement, anti-counterfeiting disputes, and oppositions. Our team is active round the clock to cater to your requirements and advise you on all sorts of intricacies related to intellectual property registration in Pakistan.

Intellectual Property Consultants in Pakistan
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Our Services

Trademark Registration

Protect your brand’s identity and prevent your product or service from possible infringement.

Copyright Registration

Safeguard your creative works, ideas, and assets and gain exclusive rights.

Company Registration

Establish a strong legal foundation and elevate your business to new heights.

Design and Patent Registration

Secure your innovations and designs and enjoy exclusive rights for their sale.

Types of Intellectual Property


A symbol, word or design that identifies and differentiates the source of goods or services in the marketplace.


Legal protection for original works of authorship, such as literature, art, or music, and grants exclusive rights to the creator.


Exclusive right granted to inventors, protecting a new, useful, and non-obvious invention for a specified period.

Importance of Intellectual Property Services in Pakistan

What is the Importance of Intellectual Property Services in Pakistan?

Intellectual property services in Pakistan are not just legal formalities, but they help businesses thrive with the proper documentation and rights. By having your business, trademark, or patent legally registered, you can attract investment and obtain exclusive rights to protect your innovations.

Protection against Infringement

Patents, trademarks, and copyrights help safeguard your creations and protect them from infringement. No other individual has the right to use your creative work without your permission, and only you, as the registered intellectual property holder, can resell and reuse your creative work.

Protection against Infringement

With the proper intellectual property frameworks, companies can facilitate knowledge transfer and partnerships amongst one another. This leads to the creation of a knowledge-based and innovative economy where economic activity thrives and leads to job creation, too.

Legitimacy and Market Value

Registered intellectual properties create a level of trustworthiness and boast a higher market value. This not only enhances consumer trust but assists you in operating internationally as well.

Funding and Raising Capital

By reselling, licensing, or using your intellectual properties as collateral for debt financing, you as an individual or your company can get a competitive advantage when applying for funding like grants, loans, and subsidies.

Protect the Value of Your Intellectual Property

Experienced and well-versed intellectual property consultants at your disposal! Schedule a free consultation and discuss how we can move forward.

What Our Customers Have to Say?

Without Axis IP, I would have no idea how to get my trademark registered in Pakistan. I am so thankful for their help; very nice and cooperative team. The fees are also affordable.

Daniyal Fazil

I have established many brands for cosmetics and clothing, and I always trust Axis IP to help me with trademark registration in Pakistan. They know the complete process, and they are available to help me all the time.

Sehrish Afzal

I am running a successful restaurant in Karachi, and I took help from Axis IP to register my trademark. Alhumdulillah the business is going well, and with a proper legal trademark, I can get investments and open more branches too.

Bilal Rashid

I am a professor and I was tensed that my research articles need to be protected, otherwise someone would steal my work and infringe on it. But after contacting Axis IP, they consulted that I register a copyright and protect my hard work. I am so happy I took their advice and guaranteed the safety of my hard work!

Usamah Siddiqui

Frequently Asked Questions

What is intellectual property, and what is its importance?

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, names, and images used in commerce. In Pakistan, IP is crucial for fostering innovation and creativity by providing legal protection to inventors, creators, and businesses. It incentivizes the development of new ideas and ensures that individuals and organizations can benefit from their creations, ultimately contributing to economic growth and competition.

What are the most common types of intellectual property?

The most common types of intellectual property in Pakistan include copyrights for original works, trademarks for brand identifiers, patents for inventions, trade secrets for confidential business information, industrial designs for the visual design of objects, and geographical indications for goods associated with specific origins.

What is design in intellectual property?

In the context of intellectual property in Pakistan, design refers to the protection of the visual design or aesthetics of an object. Industrial design rights can be obtained to safeguard the unique and ornamental aspects of an item, provided it is not purely utilitarian.

I don’t live in Pakistan. Can I register intellectual property there?

Yes, individuals and entities from outside Pakistan can register intellectual property in the country. The registration process may vary depending on the type of intellectual property, but international conventions and treaties facilitate the protection of IP rights across borders.

What happens if someone infringes on my intellectual property in Pakistan?

If someone infringes on your intellectual property in Pakistan, you have the right to take legal action. This can involve filing a complaint with the relevant authorities, pursuing civil litigation, or seeking damages. Enforcement mechanisms are in place to protect the rights of IP owners, and legal recourse is available to address instances of infringement.

What are the key intellectual property issues?

Key intellectual property issues in Pakistan include the need for stronger enforcement mechanisms, addressing counterfeiting and piracy, improving awareness and understanding of IP rights, streamlining registration processes, and ensuring effective legal remedies for rights holders. Efforts are ongoing to enhance the IP ecosystem and align it with international standards.
